A general introduction to three information sources presented through the use of LibGuides.
LibGuides is an organizational and interactive tool to deliver information and provide students access in an organized fashion.
The three resources are:
Rosen Teen health and Wellness
Gale Vurtual Reference Library (GVRL)
LibGuides Community
Rosen Teen health & Wellness
Available from My Library Database page or via URL www.teenhealthandwellness.com
this database has current information on topics of disease, drugs and alchohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, sexuality, dating and more.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
The GVRL is a part of the Gale databases and is one of the cross-searchable products. It is important to note as it is one that with teacher foresight and input can be expanded as specific topic reference materials or may be purchased to be include in this collection. It also can be accessed via Apple or Android APP. Available from My Library Database page or via URL http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/olat59856*
*(your school 5 digit identifier needed here, see school database info sheet)
LibGuide Community
The LibGuide Community is a collection of published LibGuides from various sources. Many of them are produced by University Libraries and provide links to good information. Of particular interest are primary sources. Some of the information may be part of collections requiring University access but much is available to the public. The libGuide Community is available at http://libguides.com/community.php?m=i&ref=libguides.com (or simple search for LibGuides Community).
What is a LibGuide? http://sunyjcc.libguides.com/WhatIs