After choosing California Trail Middle School,
You will need to login with your District Login (ex: 123abc05) and Password
All eBooks have a two week checkout and will fall off your device at that time
Your State Library is a virtual only Library
Click the image above to enter your eCard Number and Password (birthday 00/00/0000)
Click the image above if you would like to request a Kansas State Library card from Mrs. Mateer.
You will be directed to a form.
Your card will be delivered to you. If you are a parent, your card will be delivered to your student.
It might be wise to take a picture of your eCard number.
Kansas State Library cards need to be renewed every 3 years
Library Priority Standards:
Cultivate a love of reading and become a self-motivated reader.
Develop a knowledge of genres and literary elements.
Develop an appreciation of other perspectives and cultures.
Practice lifelong inquiry habits through using school and non-school librarians, libraries, and resources.