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Kansas Counties: NoodleTools


NoodleTools is a web-based student research service that helps you correctly cite sources in MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian citation styles. Use NoodleTools throughout a research project to track your sources, take notes, create outlines, collaborate with classmates, and format and print your bibliography.

Cite As You Go

It is important that you cite your work as you go. By keeping track of author and title information, you can more readily locate information you have used and may need to locate again for future reference.

Do not use a URL as your only citation. You may not be able to locate the site again if you didn't copy the URL correctly. Make sure you include the title of the website and the author in any preliminary citation you create.

Citations: How to Cite an Image

What is a Born Digital Image?

We call an image "born digital" if:

  • it was created (e.g. digital camera, computer screen capture program, desktop scanner) in digital form for the Web
  • you do not know where the image itself (not the place of object in it) is physically stored

Citations: How to Cite a Website

What is a Webpage?

A Webpage is an online source of any length or language:

A Webpage:

  • can be written by anyone regardless of expertise
  • may not contain accurate information
  • may not be organized to support research needs
  • may be biased; may be hard to identify the author
  • Information may be outdated

Citations: How to Cite a Database

What is a Database?

a database contains information that is not usually found by searching Google.

A Database:

  • contains information written by experts in a particular field
  • contains accurate information where facts have been checked
  • is well organized and provides advanced searching to help narrow a topic
  •  is usually neutral
  • is updated frequently and indicated the date of publication